Cat Hording


From the Michael Berry Radio Show

I came across this while investigating the owner on another matter. I've been trying to get the HCSPCA to do something about it. I sent Investigator Leger these and 20 or so other pics 8 days ago. These cats have to walk on cans or boxes. You know that's cat crap in the tub and piled in the corner. Those black dots in the dry food dumped on the floor are mouse or rat turds. Your eyes water from the ammonia just standing outside.

I need Michael and his listeners' help. In 64 years I've never seen or smelled anything like this. These cats have been locked in this house for years. This woman, Diana F. Lewis is an out of her mind animal hoarder. She lives in a luxury apt. in League City and inherited a chunk of cash a few years ago. She visits once or twice a week to feed and will spend the night there a couple of times a month.

The address of the house is:

4717 18th St.
Bacliff, TX 77518

The Houston SPCA # is 713-869-7722.

Inspector Leger's extension is 177.